Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, David's Birthday

Happy Birthday Son!
Goodness how those 46 years have flown by with the experiences of life being both happy and sad. The years flow by fast but some days can move-ever-so-slowly. The third bloosoming of my rose bush was such a pleasant surprise but it wasn't but a couple of days after bloossoming that some of the once deep-green leaves began turning yellowish-brown. Upon closer inspection I could see just a hint of a gossomer web forming and pin-head size bugs making their way up the rose stems smothering the green leaves. Those plump rose-colored bloosoms were beginning to fade and die. My little rose bush had fulfilled the measure of its creation, sharing its beauty and bringing joy into our lives. Memories, faces, happenings, places. We have a basket full of these to recall and delight in. And so I close this chapter of my life with a move back to familiar faces and places. To experience again that Southern Alberta west wind, brilliant sunshine and a blue sky that you can see from eternity to eternity. Where waves the golden brown wheat, barley, flax, oats, yellow mustard and kanola crops. Black angus, herford, charlet and texas long horn graze beside the quarter horse, mustang and anglo arab. This is cattle country, the rolling hills beckon an afternoon horse back ride and in the fields at harvest time working long into the night hours are the headlights of an army of Hutterite combines, gleaning the summer crops. Horsemen and horsewomen showing their skill at rodeoing. Did I mention gophers? Well there are plenty of those little rodents. One Ontario ground hog could surely make short work of our skinny gopher. Wonder what else could make short work of the hundereds of them in the fields and right outside our kitchen window, peering in at us as we observe them. See you in Alberta! Elaine

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