Sunday, February 21, 2010

Totonto Winds

From my childhood throughout my teen years and well into my adulthood I have been force fed the notion that the wind only blows in Southern Alberta Canada. Well folks I am here to let you in on a well kept secret---The wind blows in Edmonton Alberta Canada, Salt Lake City Utah, Palm Springs California and even in Toronnah! And they do bundel up, everyone here wears a hat of some kind. They are smart. No snow , yet - just a cutting wind.
This has been a rather quiet week - Grant and I are doing the one step forward and two steps backward in an effort to learn what we need to know about the church computer programs. In addition we will spend several days of study before we conduct our first "Career Workshop" to job seekers.

Last week we were introduced to a family from Mexico who needed rides to and from church. We have begun a series of home evenings to help them with their english and gospel basics. Sister Maria Covarrubias invited us for mexican food today. It was delicious! We went with the Elders to Sister Barnes (from Jamaca) on Saturday for a short lesson then Grant and I went to the Toronto Temple for an afternoon session. Beautiful large temple. There were very few patrons and very few temple workers.
Not much more to report today. We are well , our family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers. Bye for now the Gehmlich's

1 comment:

  1. Elaine and Grant,

    Owen is off in Calgary this week, Isabel is on the crew for her schools production of Smile and I am now halfway done my practicum :)

    Max had an enjoyable time this last weekend at winter camp with the scouts up at Mt. Washington. Olivia has now collected all the olympics coins available and is very excited.
    Ruby is learning recorder and at this moment is still trying to finisher her dinner.

    I remember the wind when we were in Toronto.
    Have you explored the area called "the beaches", it is a very cute little area with small boutiques and then you can walk along the water, which looks like the sea but is in fact the lake.

    We are about to have FHE...we are watching the movie Princess Bride.

    Victoria Fishers
